Grivas D. Group

B.C.K. No1

our companies
Grivas D. Group
B.C.K. No1

Putting bread-making in your hands.

Perhaps the most innovative bread-making solution ever created. A product designed to come up with all the variations its user can imagine. Bck no1 Is a business solution for all catering plants worldwide. The dough that bck no1 gives you can be the basis for an entire business.

Depending on your imagination and capabilities, you can make more than 100 different desserts or savoury, roast or fried product options. The secret of bck no1 is that with one dough and so many variations, you save time and money.

As to where bck no1 can take you, that is 100% in your own hands and up to your imagination. What makes us different is that no single user will have the same product as another. With bck no1 alone you can fill your window with snacks without having to buy anything ready, anything frozen, or anything that your customers can find somewhere else. Bck offers economy, uniqueness and above all, diversity.

And isn’t that ultimately the secret of success?

With bck you have the three ingredients of success.
You’re unique, you’re the best, you’re different.